Monday, July 1, 2013

Seeking Alpha Model Update 7.1.13

We're 6 months into the year so this seemed like a good time to review how the Seeking Alpha (SA) stock portfolio was holding up in the midst of recent volatility.
Turns far, so good.

As we have noted previously, once a stock gets rolling it tends to stay rolling in a #1 or 2 slot for a week to 10 days.  That was certainty the case recently with CSCO and GE although the momentum now appears to be shifting to JNJ and MCD.

We're still encountering a few market volatility surges driven my earnings reports and the questionable political stability of the mid East but the markets are firming up half way through the first day of July.

Note that the SA model is in a CASH model per our P6 and RSQ money management guidelines so, as with the other models, we remain in a wait and see posture.