Wednesday, November 21, 2012

LM and TAQK Updates...11.20.12

Checking this week's update of the tactical allocation LM and TAQK models shows the RM (risk managed) versions both still in cash.  The RM models went to cash on Oct 5th and have remained so ever since.  This is a relatively long period in cash but the markets aren't giving us the technical momentum signals necessary to do anything else....for now.

We're approaching the end of the month with an historical advantage for the bulls the last day and first couple days of the month.  We're also poised to surge once a true fiscal cliff solution is approved, which will no doubt be a bit more problematic than the 6 o'clock news would lead you to believe.

The Israeli/Hamas conflict is also likely to drag out for a while despite the tentative cease fire news.  This is true guttural hate on display for the world to see and trust is not a virtue easily found between the waring parties.

That leaves a lot of balls in the air, so to speak, and the results will likely produce a dramatic market move...the $64 question is...up or down?  For now I'm just chugging along with the signals.

Happy Thanksgiving to all.  When you look at whats going on around the world and what's happened in the wake of Sandy and Katrina most of us really do have a lot to be truly thankful for.