Tuesday, September 25, 2012

T 3 Update...9.25.12

 T 3's choice of XLV to move into the top 3 slots has so far proven to be a winner in the face of Monday's little wiggle.  GLD has regained almost 70% of yesterday's loss and still looks promising.

Note that we have an new exit signal ALERT on TLT this morning (on the Delta Bands) after a short and low return 5 day situation. If you would like to receive live email updates on future ALERTS please send an email to etfmosaic@aol.com and we'll get you on the notification list.
Some readers prefer not to be bothered with these ALERTS so we're just trying to respect their wishes.

XLU is showing some signs of strength in the matrix...which typically foreshadows a decline in the major indices so it bears keeping an eye on.

Tonight we'll email the sample Rebalance Calculator to subscribers (below).  It's a simple EXCEL spreadsheet that allows you to enter your account size and then calculates the correct number of shares for a current position in the TAQK and LM models.  The actual spreadsheet with updated prices will be emailed Friday morning and we'll also post a print of the rebalance values around noon Friday.
You can update the prices on the spreadsheet yourself if you desire.
Once you run the calculator you can compare your current model portfolio shares with the optimized number and make adjustments + or -.
The $25,000 portfolio is shown as an example only.
We'll continue to track the rebalance % for each position on the Newsletter postings of TAQK and LM to track how far out of balance the positions are running on a weekly basis but the actual rebalancing only takes place once a month in order to insure alignment with the projected equity curve of each model.