Thursday, October 4, 2012

T3 Update..10.4.12

A bit surprising but we have no new ALERTS as of 8:00 am PST today.  As noted yesterday we did see a minor realignment of the top 3 rankings and TLT is sticking in there, holding the equity line down in the face of GLD and XLV's continued strength. We may see some shift Friday, which will then dictate Monday's lineup.

Despite the apparent strength in equities GLD and the gold miners (GDX) are holding strong.  Once ( and if) that momentum leader starts to falter the bond funds are likely move quickly to the high rankings.

Of all the systems and indicators that ETF Mosaic follows those focused on TLT are some of the most robust and reliable.  Monday's research will examine one such momentum following TLT system based on the BZB's tried and true 3 Finger Lead system developed several years ago. If you go to the site and run 3 Finger Lead in the Search engine you will notice upwards of 20 posts on the 3FL and some variations.