Friday, May 2, 2014

A Snapshot of Market Momentum...5.2.14

The markets remain range bound and most of today's gains or losses are not very useful from a technical standpoint in forecasting the next likely big move...which is likely.

Here's a snapshot of a screen you can easily set up at , the site that drives the Mosaic TrendX and Vixen charts in real time.

You can add stocks or ETFs as a watctlist and then set up columns of metrics to examine performance of said watchlist on a day to day basis.  This watchlist includes VEGA, GAMMA and M3 components to examine momentum on both sides of the Long/Short spectrum.
There's also a column called Volume Buzz that shows how daily volume is attention to the big number issues.
The shown columns include crossing up and down thru the 3 day moving average, above and below the 3 day moving average and above and below the 7 day moving average.  You can make these columns any values you choose, adjust colors, add other indicators, etc.  AND ITS FREE.!

What's weird with the current market?
The 3 highest rated issues are SH, XLE and XIV.
The 3 lowest rated issues are IYT, QQQ and SPY......showing the confused and unaligned situation in the markets.
The position of these rankings also argues for an M3 type of market analysis, which combines both a volatility (XIV) and equity (SPY) component.  More on this argument in further posts.