Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Modified X file for T2..3.27.13

This is a little different version of the X file...using the X.. ETFs of the Spyder Sectors.  In lieu of SH (SPY inverse) to round out our 11 components I've substituted XRT, the Spyder retail ETF. 
XRT is not one of formal Spyder Sector ETFs, but is the Spyder S&P retail ETF, so it reflects a broad base, has good daily volume,and provides a somewhat different momentum pattern than either XLY or XLP.
It's actually been making a solid contribution to the revised T2 X file lately as XLU (the safety net ETF has migrated off #1 ranking in the past few days.
So what we've done here is take the S&P and break it down into 10 component parts and then just focused capital on those sectors that were outperforming.