Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Buying 3 Day Lows.....08.18.15

We had a little pullback today.  China was down 6% overnight and we'll look at the dismal state of the FXI chart later this week to try and find a trading edge. The NYAD was weak all day and volume continues to be about 50% par.  The close was weak and XLU finally closed in the red after an amazing run for the past few weeks (it may still run for a bit)..
On the heels of the Schwab no-fee ETF study here's a REALLY simple model that buys the 3 day low on SPY and holds until the 3 day low price value is exceeded.  We apply our typical .6% limit stop to contain drawdown.  AND...we have a simple technique to goose our otherwise anemic performance during the first of the 2 years tracked.....to be discussed tomorrow.